A Special Word of Welcome!

We would like to take this time to welcome Pastor Stephanie Roth to Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church!

We look forward to working with her in the various ministries of our church.  As Pastor Stephanie gets acclimated to the workings of our church, please help her out by introducing yourself to her.  We are sure that it will take a while to learn everyone’s name.

Respectfully submitted by Tiffany Gruber, Church Council President

Church Update:

Our church service begins at 10:30 AM  worship services will be filmed and live-streamed on Facebook.  Sunday School begins at 9:15 AM.

Welcome to Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Perry Township.

We hope that you find this site to be helpful in learning about our church, activities, and committees. Visitors and new members alike are always welcome at Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.


Sunday Services – 10:30 am

    Sunday School – 9:15 am
(No Summer Sunday School June – Aug)

Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

Where there’s always something exciting happening.

Letter from Pastor Stephanie:

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” –
(Ecclesiastes 3:1)

The past few weeks have shown us evidence that seasons are changing. Just as life is sometimes unpredictable,
so has been the case with the weather. As we struggle to know what to wear each day – one day it feels like
summer and the next morning feels like we are in the midst of winter again. Often our lives feel the same way.
Just when we think things are looking up, then we encounter a setback or roadblock.
The changes in our weather are not the only seasons that we experience in our life. King Solomon reminds us in
the third chapter of Ecclesiastes that “for everything there is a season”. Our life on earth is but a season in the
entirety of our existence. Other examples of seasons that Solomon shares: birth season and death season,
planting season and harvest season, times to be sad and times to laugh, times to be silent and times to speak,
times to keep and times to throw away,
For many, the recent change in weather is not the only change of season happening in their life. We have
students in our midst and in our families that will graduating from high school or college who will be
continuing their education in the fall or taking a new job – some will remain local and some will move to new
locations. Some families are awaiting the birth of a child or grandchild. Some are adjusting to changes in family
composition. These are just a few ways that our lives change – a few seasons we may experience over the
course of our life.
After sharing the list of seasons, Solomon reminds us that these are the seasons that God has given to mankind
and that God makes everything beautiful in time. Many of the changing seasons are exciting and joyful, yet
there are others that are painful and filled with sadness. These seasons can last days, months or years! God
accompanies us through all these seasons of our life.
Sometimes changes in our life cause us anxiety and fear. By nature, most of do not like change. If that describes
you, whether you are graduating from high school or college, getting married, ending a relationship, having a
baby, moving to a new home, changing careers or retiring, or experiencing some other change in season,
remember God is with you every step of the way.
“Do not fear, for I am with you …. I will strengthen you, I will help you.”
(Isaiah 41:10)
God loves you. God is good. The Good Shepherd will comfort you, guide you and take care of you – anticipate
with joy the next season of your life!
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Stephanie